As part of the “EVA IRFAM – There is Hidden Violence Affecting Migrant Women” project, starting in 2022, an awareness campaign regarding gender violence was carried out, the main target group being young migrants and Romanians.
In this sense, various awareness workshops were organized for young people with the aim of training them on ways to defend, intervene and report in situations of gender-based violence.
Using various methods of non-formal education, young people were informed about the forms of gender violence, including in various cultural contexts, as well as about various methods of prevention and combating them.
During the workshops, emphasis was placed on encouraging young people to discuss any situations of violence they have been subjected to with a trusted person, to report the cases of violence they or people close to them face, sending various messages intended to deter any act of violence.
At the same time, the specialists of the ICAR Foundation tried to combat some existing stereotypes, attitudes, and behaviors regarding situations of violence, such as those related to the fact that no one can help them in such situations or that it is a shame to talk about situations of violence they have gone through or are going through.